Online Challan Forms bsek Karachi Board: How to Fill Out & Download Online Challan Forms

Suppose you are a student or a teacher in Karachi. In that case, you might be familiar with the online challan forms required for various purposes by the Board of Secondary Education, Karachi (B.S.E.K.). A challan form is a document containing the details of the payment you need to make to the board for services such as registration, enrollment, examination, verification, etc. This article will explain online challan forms, how to generate them, and how to use them.

What are online challan forms?

Online challan forms are electronic versions of the paper challan forms previously used by the B.S.E.K. They are generated through the online portal of the board, which is accessible to all the affiliated institutions and students. Online challan forms have several advantages over paper challan forms, such as:

  • They are faster and easier to generate and print.
  • They reduce the chances of errors and fraud.
  • They save paper and printing costs.
  • They facilitate online verification and tracking of payments.

How do you generate online challan forms?

To generate online challan forms, you need to follow these steps:

Board Karachi Board (BISE)
Challan LinkCheck Here
  1. Visit the online portal of the BSEK and sign in with your username and password. If you use the exit for the first time, your institute code (e.g., B01234) is your username and password. You can change your password later from the settings menu.
  2. After signing in, you will see a dashboard with various options. Select the service you want to avail of, such as registration, enrollment, examination, verification, etc.
  3. Fill in the required details in the application form, such as your name, roll number, class, subject, etc. Ensure you enter the correct information as per your record with the board.
  4. After filling in the details, click on the submit button. You will see a confirmation message and a preview of your online challan form.
  5. Click on the print button to print your online challan form. You can also save it as a PDF file for now.

How do you think you could use online challan forms?

To use online challan forms, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Take your printed online challan form to any branch of Habib Bank Limited (H.B.L.) or United Bank Limited (U.B.L.) and deposit the amount mentioned on the state in cash or through cheque or draft.
  2. The bank will stamp and sign your online challan form and give you a receipt. Keep both the receipt and the online challan form safe for future reference.
  3. You can also track your payment status through the online portal of the BSEK by entering your application number or roll number.
  4. After the board verifies your payment, you will receive a confirmation message through SMS or email. You can also check your confirmation status through the online portal of the BSEK by entering your application number or roll number.


Online challan forms are a convenient and secure way of making payments to the B.S.E.K. for various services. They are generated through the online portal of the board, which is easy to use and accessible to all. Online challan forms have many benefits over paper challan forms, such as speed, accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and transparency. To generate and use online challan forms, follow some simple steps explained in this article. We hope this article has helped you understand what online challan forms are, how to generate them, and how to use them. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us or comment below.

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