2nd Year Roll Number Slips 2024, WaqasAbid.com

 Online Roll Number Slip 12th Class 2024 Download All Boards

Roll number slips of HSSC (1st Annual) Examination 2024 have been uploaded on official website. Click the link below to get your roll number slip 2024.



Roll No Slips for HSSC (SECOND Steps to Get Roll No Slip:
1-Enter your Form No According to Admission Form
2-Enter your Current Exam Roll No
3-Enter your Previous Roll No
4-Enter your Reference No
5-Enter your Complete Name According to Admission Form
    Enter your Complete Father Name According to Admission Form ANNUAL)  Examination,2024

Roll No Slips for HSSC Annual-I Examination 2024 can be downloaded from this website. Currently, Private students can get their Roll Nos from here. Regular students shall contact their institutions for their Roll No slips.

Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education

1Federal Board 12th Class Roll No Slips 2024Click Here

Balochistan Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education

1BBISE Quetta Balochistan Board 12th Class 
Roll Number Slips 2024
Click Here

All Punjab Boards Websites for HSSC Roll Number Slips 1st Annual Exams 2024

Sr. No.Boards NameOfficial Link
1Bahawalpur Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
2D.G. Khan Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
3Faisalabad Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
4Gujranwala Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
5Lahore Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
6Multan Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
7Sahiwal 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024 Click Here
8Rawalpindi 12th Class Board Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
9Sargodha 12th Class Board Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
10AJK Board 12th Class Roll No Slips 2024Click Here

All KPK Boards Websites for HSSC Roll Number Slips 1st Annual Exams 2024

Sr. No.Boards NameOfficial Link
1Abbottabad Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
2Bannu Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
3Dera Ismail Khan Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
4Kohat Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
5Malakand Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
6Mardan Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
7Peshawar Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
8Swat Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here

All Sindh Educational Boards 

Sr. No.Boards NameOfficial Link
1BIEK Karachi Intermediate Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
2Hyderabad Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
3Larkana Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
4Mirpurkhas Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
5Sukkur Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
6BISESBA Shaheed Benazirabad Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
7Aga Khan Board 12th Class Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here
8Sindh Board of Technical Education Roll Number Slips 2024Click Here

All Boards Date Sheet Download 


Important Instructions for Candidates

1- The candidate should make a photocopy of the roll number slip and keep it safe with him and bring this slip with him to the examination center for printing on each page and attend the examination as per the date and time mentioned in it. But the responsibility of going to face will be on the candidate anyway.

2 After receipt of roll number slip, correction of error can be done before commencement of examination. . The candidate is warned that it is not allowed to carry mobile phones in the examination center. Further, the candidate shall not have in his possession or access any such writings or such papers as relate to any paper. If the aspirant is found to have given or taken illegal help around the examination hall, adopted or attempted to do so by illegal means or committed any kind of disturbance or involved in any other malpractice, he/she shall be removed from the examination as per the nature of the case. Can be excluded. And along with being declared ineligible for future exams, action will also be taken as per the rules. Also FIR can be registered against him. 4. The aspirant who cross-checks his solved answer copy during the examination should get his writing verified by the invigilator at the end of the exam in the examination room and sign with the paper that he has cross-checked the answer copy himself. So that the marks on it should be considered cancelled. 5. Candidate is allowed to use simple and scientific calculator which is not used as mini computer.

6. Candidates should get their question paper from the Center Superintendent according to the exam/session mentioned on the roll number slip. Otherwise no excuse will be accepted. Write answers on the lined portion on both sides on each page of the answer copy except on the reverse side of the cover page. Skipping lines or leaving any page blank is not allowed. Do not tear any page or any part of the answer copy during the examination Use only blue ink Ink remover will not be allowed at all Before leaving the examination room hand over your answer copy to the examination center invigilator in case of any question. Not resolved. In case of non-submission of reply copy

I will face police investigation and prosecution. 7. Answer copy for matric examination will consist of 24 pages and for intermediate examination will consist of 32 pages. Apart from this no additional page/sheet will be given. 8. Do not write your name, name of your institution or the name of your district and town on the answer copy in any place other than the specified space on the cover of the answer copy and also do not indicate that you are appearing in the examination as a regular private candidate. are doing

Essential instructions for candidates and supervisory staff

(1) Subject English Compulsory Examination will be conducted at two different times (i.e. the first time will be at 08:30 AM and the second time will be at 01:30 PM). On Friday, the second time paper will start at 02:30. (2) All candidates shall ensure their presence at the center half an hour before the commencement of each paper. 08:00 in the morning and 01:00 in the afternoon and on Fridays at 02:00 they will be present in the center otherwise they will not be allowed to sit in the center. (3) At the beginning of each paper the invigilator shall inform the candidates of the fixed time of the examination paper. (4) Candidates have to appear in the examination as per the date sheet printed on the roll number slips. (5) The time/group and examination center at which the candidate has to appear in the examination shall be written on his/her roll number slip. Candidates will not be allowed to appear in any other time / group or center. (6) Non-Muslim candidates who are joining the subject of Ethics instead of compulsory Islam will take the examination of this subject on the date and time specified in the date sheet. (7) Any local / public holiday declared during the examination shall not affect the date sheet in any way and the examination shall be held as per the dates mentioned in the date sheet. (8) Candidates are required to bring their roll number slip with them to the examination room daily otherwise they will not be allowed to appear in the examination. (9) The candidate should not only satisfy himself that the dates, times and groups of theory and practical subjects mentioned on his summer slip are correct but should also compare them carefully with the detailed date sheet available at the centre. That in case of any mistake the candidate should not face any problem/loss. (10) If a candidate leaves the examination room protesting for any reason, he/she will not be re-examined in that subject under any circumstances. (11) Bringing of mobile phones within and within the examination center (100 yards) is prohibited. (12) The prescribed time has been entered on the objective and initial paper according to which the paper will end. (13) Inducing another candidate to appear in the examination is an offense punishable under the Impersonation Act.