11th Class Rechecking Form 2023 BISE Faisalabad Board | How to Apply for Rechecking & Download Form

Faisalabad Board

If you are a student of the 11th class who has appeared in the annual examination of BISE Faisalabad Board in 2023, you might be eagerly waiting for your result. The board usually announces the result in October every year, and you can check it online or through SMS. However, what if you are not satisfied with your result and want to apply for rechecking of your papers? In this article, we will guide you on how to download and fill out the 11th class rechecking form 2023 for BISE Faisalabad Board and what are the benefits and drawbacks of rechecking.

What Is Rechecking and How Do I Get It?

Rechecking is a process that allows you to request the board to review your answer sheets again and ensure that there are no mistakes in the marking, totaling, or omission of any question or answer. Rechecking does not mean that your papers will be re-evaluated or re-marked by a different examiner. It only means that the board will verify that the original marking was done correctly and fairly.

To apply for rechecking, you need to download and fill out the rechecking form from the official website of BISE Faisalabad Board or WaqasAbid.com, a leading web portal that provides various educational services and resources for students in Pakistan. You can also get the rechecking form from the board office or any branch of Habib Bank Limited (HBL) in Faisalabad.

11Th Class Rechecking 2023 1

The rechecking form has two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A contains your personal and academic details, such as your name, roll number, father’s name, address, phone number, email address, group, subject(s) for rechecking, and bank challan number. Part B contains the declaration and undertaking that you have to sign and date.

You have to pay a fee of Rs. 1300 per subject for rechecking through a bank challan in any branch of HBL. Please attach the original copy of the bank challan with the rechecking form. You also have to attach a photocopy of your result card or mark sheet with the rechecking form.

Please submit the rechecking form along with the required documents within 15 days of the declaration of the result. You can submit the form either by hand or by post to the board office. The board will not accept any late or incomplete applications.

How to Download Rechecking Form by WaqasAbid.com?

If you want to download the rechecking form from WaqasAbid.com, you can follow these simple steps:

Rechecking Form
Board NameBISE Faisalabad
Apply For RecheckingCheck Here
Rechecking Date Start10 October 2023
Rechecking Date End25 October 2023
Class11th Class
Official websitebisefsd.edu.pk
  • Visit WaqasAbid.com from any device, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
  • On the homepage, you will see a menu bar with different categories, such as Result, Date Sheet, Admissions, Scholarships, Past Papers, Guess Papers, etc. Click on the category that says Online Challan Forms.
  • On the Online Challan Forms page, you will see a list of online challan forms for different boards and institutions in Pakistan. Scroll down until you find the online challan form for the BISE Faisalabad Board.
  • Click on it to open it in a new tab in PDF format. You can view it online or download it to your device.
  • Please print out the rechecking form and fill it out according to the instructions given above.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Rechecking

Rechecking can be beneficial or detrimental, depending on your situation and expectations. Here are some of the possible benefits and drawbacks of rechecking:


  • Rechecking can help you improve your marks if there are any errors or discrepancies in the original marking.
  • Rechecking can help you clear your doubts or suspicions about your result and give you peace of mind.
  • Rechecking can help you qualify for admission or a scholarship in your desired college or university if your marks increase after rechecking.
  • Rechecking can help you boost your confidence and motivation for future exams if you get positive feedback from the board.


  • Rechecking can be costly and time-consuming as you have to pay a fee and wait for several weeks or months for the outcome.
  • Rechecking can be disappointing or frustrating if there are no changes or negative changes in your marks after rechecking.
  • Rechecking can affect your academic performance or career prospects if you miss any deadlines or opportunities due to rechecking.
  • Rechecking can cause stress or anxiety if you are unsure about your decision or the outcome of rechecking.


Rechecking is an option that is available for students who are not happy with their results and want to verify their answer sheets. However, it is not a guarantee that your marks will increase or decrease after rechecking. Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of rechecking before applying for it.

If you decide to apply for rechecking, you can download and fill out the 11th class rechecking form 2023 for BISE Faisalabad Board from the official website of the board or WaqasAbid.com. You have to pay a fee of Rs. 800 per subject and submit the form within 15 days of the result declaration. You can check the status and result of your rechecking application online or through SMS.

We hope that this article has provided you with useful information and guidance on how to download and fill out the 11th class rechecking form 2023 for BISE Faisalabad Board and what are the benefits and drawbacks of rechecking. If you have any questions or comments, please email us or leave a comment below.

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